Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Who I Am

Before listening to any speaker it is wise to know something about his background and what he believes.

I was born again in 1978. In addition to my apologetic ministry, I have served in the church as a Sunday School teacher, usher, choir member and have sung in a southern gospel quartet. I have also taken two mission trips to Guatemala where I worked in a pharmacy of a village hospital.

Outside the church, I hold a BS in physics with a math minor from an accredited university and an Arkansas teaching certificate in Physics and Physical Science with an approval in Chemistry and Principles of Technology.

I taught Physics and Chemistry (both regular and AP courses) in Arkansas Public Schools for 17 years. I have also taught courses in astronomy, biology, environmental science and study skills. I am also a member of American Mensa, Ltd. and have twice passed the qualification test to appear on Jeopardy. In spite of this I have been called stupid because I believe in a literal six-day creation.

I have been happily married to the same wonderful woman since 1996 and am the proud father of a little girl and owner of a dachshund puppy.

I believe in one God who manifests himself in three distinct persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I believe God is eternal (without beginning or end,) omniscient (all-knowing,) omnipresent (in all places at once,) and omnipotent (all-powerful.) In addition, God is kind but is also perfectly sovereign and perfectly just.

I believe Jesus is the co-eternal son of God but is also fully God himself as well as fully human. Jesus was born into this world to save the world through his death. I believe he physically rose from the dead to show his power over death and as a precursor to our own resurrection one day. He ascended into Heaven where he currently sits at the right hand of the Father waiting for the day when he will physically return to Earth to reign as king for one thousand years, after which, Christians will live with him eternally on a physical New Earth.

I believe the Holy Spirit, while eternal, was sent by the Father to Earth after the ascension of Jesus to convict people of their sins and to guide Christians into right living. I believe the only way to Heaven is to admit your sins to God and accept the Christ as your savior and Lord. Salvation is a gift of God by God's grace alone.

I believe the souls of those who do not accept Christ will be sent to a literal Hell where they will be punished for eternity. Hell was not meant for people, but to punish Satan. However, people who choose not to accept Christ, instead accept Satan as master by default and will share in his condemnation.

I believe the Bible to be the complete, inerrant, infallible, literal word of God. It was written by men guided by the Holy Spirit. I believe that science, history, archeology and all other fields of study, if interpreted correctly, will agree with the Bible. I believe the Bible is to be read literally as you would any other book. I believe the Bible is the final authority on all matters.

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