Just saw a preview for the new "Exodus" movie. Just like all of the others, they neglect the fact that Moses was 80 years old when the exodus occurred. Just like Daniel was 80 years old when he was put into the lions' den. I expect this movie to be like the recent "Noah" movie, long on action but short on accurate Biblical content.
I mentioned this before on my old site. As you watch the Thanksgiving episodes of your favorite TV shows, I want you to notice something. There will probably be a scene where everyone is gathered around the table. In turn, they will state what they are thankful for. Notice, though, they will most likely not mention who they are thankful to. As you celebrate Thanksgiving, remember James 1:17. If good things happen to you, it's only because God allows it. The world is evil. People are evil. If left to themselves, men will do evil. This Thanksgiving, remember the one who gives you the blessings you are thankful for.
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