Tuesday, January 7, 2014

God's Word is Reliable (Short Answer)

Here's a skeptical question found in several places on the internet. 
"Why would God entrust the spreading of 'His' word to one of his 'fallible' children?  He knows men are sinners and are untrue, I doubt a professor would allow one of his students to teach a class if all the other students' futures were at stake.  If God loved us so much and he wants us to be with him, why would he put our eternal souls at risk like that?"

Here's the short a

The professor might allow the student to teach the class if he personally guided the student when the lesson was written to make sure that all of the important topics were covered. Also if the professor observed while the lesson was being taught to make sure nothing was left out. Whenever I had a student give a report in class, I made sure what he said was correct, and corrected him if he wasn't to make sure the class understood the truth.

This is how God prepared his word. He guided the authors, by the Holy Spirit, to only write what God intended to say. He did not necessarily dictate word for word to the authors, but he made sure all that they wrote was correct. He also made sure they wrote everything he intended for them to write. As preachers and missionaries spread the word, they should be guided by the Holy Spirit to say what God intends for them to say. That doesn't mean that they all are, but that they all should be. There are times when I am speaking or teaching my Sunday School class that I can feel the influence of the Holy Spirit guiding my words. That reassures me that I am saying the right things.

Men may be fallible, but the Bible is infallible because it was written by God 
through men guided by God.

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